Natal Report for
Born: 10/30/1975
at 9:32 GMT
The Sun and its place on your chart are the most important information astrology can provide you with. Your most powerful energies and force-of-will are denoted by the Sun's position. Traits: Determined, Forceful, Emotional, Intuitive, Powerful, Passionate, Exciting and Magnetic
Dark Traits: Jealous, Resentful, Compulsive, Obsessive, Secretive and Obstinate
You were born during a period when the Sun was in Scorpio. Intuitive and ever curious, Scorpios are the great investigators of the Zodiac. They want to know everything about everyone. When an answer is needed, a Scorpio will find it for you. Unfortunately Scorpios seem to see only in black and white. They always have their own agenda and never fail to promote it.
Scorpios are the masters of their fate. They know only one way to live: on their own terms. They do not live life but attack it. When life hands them a loss, they do not waste time sulking, but rather continue on their path, sure they will eventually succeed. Scorpios are driven by their intense passions and desires. Often they are seen as imperious.
Scorpios are a secretive lot. Those around them may never know the depth of their passions. Probing the Scorpio psyche will only make them leery and cause them to flee. Whether in business or play, Scorpios love to compete. Indeed to do well, they must have an opponent. Scorpios do not take slights well. If you cross them be assured they will retaliate with their full force. Scorpios never quit and never surrender. If anyone can get a difficult task done it is a Scorpio.
Sun Sextile or Trine Moon
Your confidence to forge ahead towards reaching your goals is largely based in knowing you have the backing of your family and friends. You've managed to establish an excellent balance between your need for autonomy and your need for warm, loving relationships.
Sun Sextile or Trine Mars
Your optimism and energy make you attractive to most people. You love to compete and win, but manage not to be a sore loser. You are full of justified self-confidence that will take you a long ways towards success in any venture you attempt.
Sun Opposition or Square Saturn
While you see life as it really is, you often fail to see yourself with the same clarity. Although you're not without skills and talent, you battle an underlying self-doubt that if left unchecked will hold you back.
Sun Conjunct Uranus
Your need for personal freedom often puts you at odds with those around you, and possibly the authorities who govern your community. You are a rebel at heart and find it very difficult if not impossible to fit quietly into traditional social roles.
Moon In Virgo
The placement of the Moon on your chart denotes a region of life you travel through based upon your instincts. The Moon's placement often points to emotional issues we must address.
While you are capable of great depths in your feelings you are not one to show them often or possibly at all. It is possible for you to love someone without them ever knowing. It would not be unlikely for you to express you affection for others by helping them reach their goals or get out of trouble.
You are as challenged by accepting love as you are by showing it. To you the motives of those who show you love are suspect. You also question your worthiness when it comes to being loved by others.
Because of your reluctance to be emotionally open, those who know you may consider you very icy. Their view is strengthened by your tendency to see only the faults in people and not the good.
Moon Opposition or Square Neptune
You are a passive soul who does your best to avoid confrontation. Much of your cerebral life is devoted to your dreams and fantasies which provide you with shelter for reality's crueler moments. You have a sensitive side that is moved by the arts.
Mercury In Libra
The position of Mercury on your chart will give you insight into how you communicate with others and learn.
You have a prodigious talent for bringing people together. Whether in a business or social setting you can usually find a solution to rifts that occur. Your objectivity allows you to see all sides of an issue free of prejudice. Whatever the setting, people know they can rely on you to be fair and truly seek solutions and compromises that benefit all parties equally.
Mercury Opposition or Square Jupiter
You overflow with ideas and schemes. There seems to be no limit to your interests. You're especially driven to focus on things that will effect the future. You want to be a creator of tomorrow's world.
Venus In Virgo
Where Venus appears on your chart will provide you with information on how you relate to others on an emotional level.
While you are truly a loving person who is both caring and deeply romantic, you can be a bit too reliant on your loved ones. They can no more sate your every need than you can theirs. You are not one to create conflict in a relationship. You will do whatever you can to keep things peaceful and harmonious.
In matters of the heart you tend to take the plunge before taking the time to see if you and your partner are really right for each other. This approach can lead to some gigantic let-downs for you. Still your need to love and be loved is so strong that any false starts will only slow you down for a short time.
You are an aesthete. Art in almost any form moves you.
Mars In Cancer
Mars is the planet of action. Its placement on your chart will indicate your level of aggression and competitiveness.
You are not especially ambitious and do not need to be at the top of your field. You prefer finding a niche where you are not competing with or being confronted by others. For you security is very important others can have the glory.
While you are not likely to put up much of a fight for yourself, you will come at others who threaten your loved ones with harm or loss. Suddenly you are the "hidden tiger who leaped from the bush,"and can prove to be a most formidable foe. Your goals and ambitions revolve around your family. While others may ask themselves how they can become rich, you ask yourself are your family members happy and well.
Mars Sextile or Trine Uranus
You are full of energy and not afraid to make snap decisions. You like a bit of a risk factor in the projects you take on. You're not really suited for long term projects since you need to see results all the time to remain interested. You make a far better team leader than you do a subordinate, because you simply do not take orders well.
Jupiter In Aries
Jupiter deals with where the Universe is definitely on your side.
You value your self-reliance and ability to maintain a positive attitude even in the worst of situations. You know you are never really beaten until you give up, and you're not one to surrender. You're not one to need or want help from others. Nor are you in need of external inspiration to get started on a project. You love competition and the thrill of victory.
Jupiter Opposition or Square Pluto
You think in very large terms and usually aim to effect the future. Attaining your goals is all important to you. You are likely to socialize with people who can help you realize your dreams.
Saturn In Leo
Saturn probes our sense of inadequacy. Where Saturn is on your chart will provide a key to where you feel your weakest.
You tend to need a lot of praise from others to compensate for your lack of faith in yourself. Even social settings that should be fun and unthreatening are labor for you.
Saturn Opposition or Square Uranus
You take your ambitions and dreams very seriously and will work extremely hard to realize them. You are not the most tactful of people, so when frustrated your venting may alienate those around you. You have little patience for people who fear change.
Uranus In Scorpio
Because of distance Uranus is from the Sun, its astrological influence is measured in increments of 7 years. What this means is that the effects of Uranus influence an entire generation. The placement of Uranus on your chart denotes an area where you can expect the unexpected from the Universe and yourself.
Because of distance Uranus is from the Sun, its astrological influence is measured in increments of 7 years. What this means is that the effects of Uranus influence and entire generation.
Your generation is noted for their willingness to dispel social taboos of all kinds. You push the boundaries of accepted behavior. Fanaticism is a common trait in your generation.
Neptune In Sagittarius
Because of distance Neptune is from the Sun, its astrological influence is generally measured in increments of 14 years. What this means is that the effects of Neptune will influence an entire generation in a like manner. Neptune is the Astrological Wildcard. The area in which Neptune appears on your chart is a place where there are no rules. Anything can happen.
You are member of a generation of dreamers and purveyors of the future. You and your contemporaries are very broad-minded and thrive on new forms of spirituality. Traditional religions are far too dogmatic to serve you well, so you are very likely to explore alternative routes to find your spiritual self.
Neptune Trine Pluto
You were born in a period when there was an underlying current of spiritual awareness prevailed. Collectively your generation has a desire to increase the depths of their spiritual self.
Pluto In Libra
Because of the distance Pluto is from the Sun, its astrological influence is generally measured in increments ranging from 12 to 30 years. What this means is that the effects of Pluto influence an entire generations.
The Pluto/Leo collective includes people born within a 12 year time span. Those under the Pluto/Leo influence want to improve how people communicate on both a social and personal level. You feel much of the world's problems stem from poor communication, so the best way to create a better world is to create more effective forms of relating to one another as individuals as well as groups.
People of this generation truly want to create a more harmonious world in which to live. To do so they are often quick to lessen the importance of their differences and concentrate on what is important to all humans.
More About Scorpio
Famous Scorpians:
Marie Antoinette, Marie Curie, Martin Luther, Theodore Roosevelt, Bill Gates, Lorne Michaels, Picasso, William Penn, Christopher Columbus, Sally Field, Joni Mitchell, Mohammed, Prince Charles, Goldie Hawn, Roberto Goizueta, and Voltaire
Ideal Occupations:
Scorpions are well-suited for careers as doctors, investigators, ecologists, managers, engineers, navigators and secret agents.
Lucky Numbers: 8, 17, 26, 35, 44, 53
Scorpians Are Usually Most Compatible With: Pisces or Cancer
Planet: Pluto
Element: Water
Star Stone: Opal
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